Harry Potter Inspired Wedding is Too Cute for Words

As you know I have a soft spot for themed weddings. And I like Harry Potter too, so when the two combine there is a whole lot of fun for the laptop screen. Now, we all know that Harry Potter is one of the most popular franchises in history and millions of fans like it so much they’ll go to such extreme lengths to include little wizard in their everyday lives, including having Harry Potter inspired wedding ceremonies. One young couple wanted to make their big day really unique. From snacks and drinks all the way to invites and flowers, everything was related to the Harry Potter.

Their wedding took place in a forest –the forest was supposed to represent the Forbidden Forrest from the film. Black licorice magic wands, jellybeans and chocolate frogs were served in the Great Hall for friends and family members to actually feel like they were at Hogwarts. Each table was a different house, with the houses being Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Centerpieces were the sorting hat and all had cutest little magic wands with the date and the happy couple’s names.

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